Ripple Design Studio
Integrated clients custom design into a Wordpress theme including the style sheet, Jquery scripts and existing classes. In addition, the home page and project gallery uses completely custom classes.
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Design & Developement
Over 10 Years Experience
Working with a wide range of clients, from small business owners to large corporations, has given me experience with a diverse collection of projects. I have been part of a team developing a complete social media environment. I have worked individually in implementing full CMS websites. And, I have been brought in to existing projects to simply create specific modules. Whether it is a simple brochure website or a complete database system, I have the experience and knowledge needed to get the project launched on time and within budget.
Code & Scripts Experience
- Hand coding PHP, HTML, Javascript, Jquery and CSS
- Integrated Development Environments (IDE)
- Component and Module Developement for Content Management Systems (CMS) including WordPress, Joomla and PHPbb
- Version tracking systems
Project Management
Whether meeting with a client to discuss their initial ideas, keeping the client informed of progress and issues through written and verbal communication, writing project specifications or delivering the final project on time and within budget, I have worked in all aspects of project management.

Client Feedback
"...you promise things you could deliver. When I met you, you were generous with your time, patient with your answers, and seemed trustworthy...You were down to earth, you told me clearly what it would cost and what I would get for my money, and you gave me clear examples of past work..."
Marcia Randall Debard, Owner
"You really met the main objective of creating a site that can be maintained and updated by someone like me who has no background in designing or even working on web sites."
Ken Shang, President